

Peter Linari

Peter Linari

Going to Pure Power Boot Camp was a unique experience to say the least. Commanding officer Lauren Brenner is one of a kind. Lauren has taught me about my core and has made floor exercises interesting and fun. From the beginning when she showed me how to walk with support in the center of my body-controlling my abs- That you can strengthen your abs while walking and then continue with leg raises and crunches always keeping your abs tight which also relieved my back pain because I was supported by my abdominal muscles.

Pure Power Boot Camp works every part of your body in natural ways not by using machines. You lift things, climb things, pull yourself up on ropes and nets and you crawl under things and when you’re done you don’t feel bored or tired you feel energized because you do different things every time you go. I’ve lost all of my weight (120lbs) while having fun and I got confidence doing things I never thought I’d be able to do. Lauren works with people individually according to their needs and abilities. At 375lbs I couldn’t do a lot of things that I could do after my weight loss. I also went from a size 60 waist to a size 48. That’s 6 sizes. I’ve lost the weight because Lauren took it slowly at first and as my strength increased so did my stamina and my workouts got harder but I didn’t notice it because my strength increased. Lauren was tough but she was also understanding to what my limitations were and with time there were fewer and fewer of those as I got stronger and thinner. Pure power Boot Camp gave me strength and gave me an active lifestyle which I so enjoy. Thank you Lauren and crew.


Gina Scarda

Gina Scarda

The first picture was December 2005. The second was March 2006. Just 3 months later and 35 pounds gone! It’s been a year since that first picture was taken and for the first time in my life I KEPT off the weight! I feel like a new person. For years I have tried to lose weight and NOTHING ever worked, No diet or Gym membership ever gave me the motivation that Pure Power boot camp gave me.

Lauren is an amazing trainer, I overcame so many fears with her help- especially the fear of being overweight forever, I am so much more comfortable in my own skin now, more outgoing, more likely to smile, laugh and be happy! Happier than I’ve been in quite some time. I’m 45 and I feel better than I did at 25! (look better too! )


Linda Mitchell

Linda Mitchell

For as long as I can remember I’ve struggled with my weight and the motivation to do something about it, I was well over 250lbs and still stuffing my face with those comfort foods. One day I was walking by a car and the sweaty fat image that stared back at me was disgusting, and that’s when I decided I needed to do something about this, I turned on my TV to the news and saw this woman who was full of energy and positively demonstrating some workout techniques, her energy was so motivating that I went online to get the name of her boot camp.

I signed up with Pure Power Boot Camp that same day and met with Lauren, I let her know that I have never done any type of workout program in my life and that I was very nervous, but Lauren reassured me that I didn’t have to be an athlete to join her Boot camp and she gave me the confidence and motivation I needed to come to all of my sessions, and gave me the will to lose over 150lbs!!

It’s been a year and I’ve kept the weight off by practicing a healthy life style which includes a healthy diet, and most importantly doing many of the exercises I learned at Pure Power Boot Camp with Lauren. I know that if it were not for Lauren’s inspiration and her belief in me, I would still be trapped in a VERY LARGE WOMAN’S BODY! Thank you Lauren for you, and Pure Power Boot Camp!


In today’s competitive landscape, multinational corporations are searching for opportunities to improve the efficiency and productivity of its workforce. Pure Power Boot Camp’s Corporate Team Building Event provided our team with an intense atmosphere to refine our core competencies. The program’s mental and physical challenges promoted discipline, ingenuity, and most importantly teamwork. I strongly recommend this unique program, for corporate entities searching for a mechanism that instills the attributes needed to succeed in today’s corporate jungle.


My fitness had its ups and downs, more downs than ups, and that cycle, not only was harmful to my physical health, but took its toll on my emotional health as well. My experience with gyms and fitness programs always felt competitive; they were focused on achieving unrealistic results; and this led to continued disappointment. To say Lauren Brenner’s Pure Power Bootcamp Program has changed my life would not be an exaggeration. I lost 33 pounds and 4 inches off my waist. I went from a size 38 to a size 34. My clothes fit better; I looked better; and was not afraid to stand out.

Lauren does not judge your physical skills as good or bad, strong or weak. She accepts you for who you are, makes you feel like you belong in a boot camp program. In fact, she often is heard saying, “I embrace it.”

Lauren motivates you to overcome, not only the physical obstacles in the work outs, but also the mental ones in your mind. Setting a goal for push ups and reaching it, with Lauren’s support has carried over into my personal and professional life as well. My self image has greatly improved; my confidence at work is stronger; I do not avoid challenges in my life. Thanks Lauren, for embracing and accepting me for who I am!


When I started at Pure Power Boot Camp I was out of shape and had very little motivation to get back into shape. Very little is all I needed!

I forced myself to show up and after the first day I wanted to quit. Six weeks later I found myself loving the different challenges Pure Power offered everyday and I was amazed with the difference in my energy level, strength and discipline to do things I NEVER thought I could!

Thanks to Lauren and her highly motivated and dedicated group of trainers I’m twenty-two pounds lighter, four inches smaller in the waist and I can’t get enough! To them I owe it all!


I joined Pure Power boot camp as a recommendation from my girlfriend when I bemoaned the fact that I had to get in shape for my wedding, but I had just started a new job with late hours, and hated getting up in the morning to sit on the boring, unimaginative, monotonous treadmill and/or bike. I couldn’t afford a personal trainer for the amount of hours I wanted to work out, so this seemed like a great option. It was a 7:30 AM class, and this wonderful place expected you to call if you didn’t show up. And they expected you to make up every class if you missed it. I knew this was going to be great, as I need that kind of personal attention to get myself going.

Growing up, I was a swimmer, tennis player, and track runner. Being part of a team was always my favorite part of sports. I was on the swim team at Brown, and went through 5 hours of working out 3 times a week. The only thing that got me through this rigorous training was my inspiring coach and my teammates. They say misery loves company, and that is all too true! Since I graduated in 1995, I’ve been doing yoga and spinning classes, but I have not been able to find anything with that kind of teamwork and camaraderie until Pure Power Boot Camp. My first day in boot camp was with Commanding Officer Brenner. It was a breath of fresh air – I was challenged, encouraged, inspired, and motivated by my commanding officer, and my fellow “recruits” – they welcomed me to their troop of morning warriors, and I was hooked. Of course, I couldn’t walk for the first week but after the soreness dissipated over the weekend, I felt alive and ready to face the next week.

I felt results within 2 weeks – and my family and friends noticed how I was getting more cut and the shape of my body was changing – which motivated me more and more. I LOVE the obstacle course. In my everyday life, I don’t get the chance to PHYSICALLY achieve something that makes me feel great. Trying over and over again to climb the rope, jump the hurdles, and finish the monkey bars evaded me at first, but in my third week, I mastered hurdles, my 5th week, mastered monkey bars, and in my 7th week, finally was able to climb the rope. It’s exciting to be challenged by a physical impediment in your path and GET OVER IT. It has empowered me in my life in other ways as well. I feel ready to accomplish anything after I finish my morning boot camp workout.

I am now in great shape and my wedding is a week and a half away – just enough time for the bruises –which I wear with pride – to fade! My last day was this morning, and one of the new recruits told me that I inspired HER! Wow! I never expected that. That is truly a transformational experience. In the future, whenever I’m facing something tough, I will think of the leadership principles and that last squat thrust, and I’ll put my head down and make it happen. The staff is also amazing!!! I’ll be thinking of everyone when I’m on my honeymoon in Italy, wearing the hot bikini I have been longingly glancing at for months before I joined Pure Power. Thanks everyone!!!!


PPBC is a hardcore, in your face, “let’s get ready to rumble” kind of work out. I’ve tried all the diets, working out in the gym, and working with a personal trainer, but achieved mediocre results at best. With the help of PPBC, I’ve finally been able to get in solid shape. What makes PPBC different is the sense of team. Together, we work towards a common goal of fitness and we motivate each other to accomplish goals never dreamed possible. PPBC truly empowered me to transform my life.


Thank you Pure Power Boot Camp! I went to PPBC 8 weeks after I gave birth to my daughter I had gained over 60lbs and needed a program that would get me results. At the end of my 6 week program I lost 20lbs and got my body fat % down to 19%. The work outs are exciting, and going through it with other team members pushes you even more. The instructors really motivate you, I am so thankful I found pure power boot camp. It was the best workout experience I have ever had.


About one year ago, my friend James told me about this new workout he was doing- a bootcamp workout….

I had stopped working out for well over a year at this point, and had just started going back to the gym. I was forty pounds overweight, and had taken about 10 pounds off weight training at Crunch for three months prior.

When James described the class to me, and also proceeding to check out the website, I was scared– very scared. He finally convinced me to come down and take a trial class with him. After I agreed to go with him, I honestly was thinking of ways I could back out as it seemed just too intense for me. I was never a big cardio guy, although I had played sports growing up. The only workout I knew was working with weights in typical fashion at any gym or at home. Needless to say, I did make it to the trial class.

Upon walking off the elevator thru the camo nets, I wasn’t sure if I was still in New York or inside some secret military training facility. The first thing you see is the huge obstacle course, and of course lots and lots of camoflauge.

After signing in, you are asked to drop and give them five (pushups that is). After changing in the military tent style changing rooms, I was given a quick tour and then was waiting for the class to start.

It wasn’t long before Lauren the instructor came out to greet the awaiting classmates- all of whom were in their fatigues. All were introduced by their last names as to which you forever referred to in true military fashion (and to this day I still don’t know 99% percent of people’s first names). And then we were off!

The class started and we were non-stop into football drills, jumping jacks, pushups, squat thrusts (yes all of those exercises from gym class that you always thought were a waste of time). From there we were running up 12 flights of stairs (of which I only managed about 8 that first day- and now can do the 12 with a 30 pound weight pack on my back) and onto the obstacle course. I did my best and I believe I got through all of the obstacles, albeit clumsily.

Before I knew it the class was over and the hour had passed. I was soaked with sweat, and realized I probably just had the best workout of my life. And I enlisted for a six week course. Throughout my first six weeks of class- I never became bored as each and every class is different- you aren’t just going thru the motions of a set workout which is great for challenging your body.

The instructors are tough- and sure they yell and scream at you- but in a positive way- not in a knock you down way. They are x-military guys after all, and good people at that. It is important for them that you are there to work, and that you are working out correctly- with the right form and intensity levels that ensure great results.

This workout is the closest thing you can get to having a personal trainer, as the classes are small (usually around 8 people, sometimes more, sometimes less). I also found them to have a great social aspect, and I mean that in a motivating way. I was always a loner at the gym- I came in, did my thing, and left without really saying a word to anyone. I never realized the benefits that working out with a great group of people could have. I mean -sure we laugh and sometimes complain about what we are put thru each and every class- but it is all in good fun and more importantly with great results.

A year later, I am still here, usually four times a week, thirty pounds lighter, and in great shape. And I am buying 32 waist jeans again- woohoo….


I have been a fitness enthusiast for over 20 years, and have never achieved the results I have in just 6 weeks at Pure Power! It is the most challenging and effective workout I have ever done. The classes invite men and women of all fitness levels and backgrounds to achieve their goals in a positive, team building environment. The instructors are motivating and tough and push each individual to reach beyond what they thought they could physically achieve. I would highly recommend Pure Power Boot Camp to anyone who wants to challenge themselves physically and mentally!


I have been consistently working out for the last 15 year, 4-6 times a week. I have participated in exercise classes, martial arts classes and have run several marathons and NOTHING so completely changed my body like Lauren’s Pure Power Boot Camp workout. Lauren’s workouts coupled with her high energy and passion for fitness motivate you to work every muscle of your body past what you thought were your physical limits. More importantly, Lauren gives you the self confidence to believe that next week you’ll be even faster and stronger than the week before. Since starting my program with Lauren I’ve gone from a size 8 to a size 2! She’s lifted my ass tightened my abs and defined my arms. I’d recommend Lauren’s Pure Power Boot Camp to anyone from a beginner to a tri-athlete. You will see a change!


Since retiring from the NFL, I’ve been looking for a workout routine which could help me focus on both my cardiovascular endurance and strength training. The gym can get monotonous running on the treadmill and lifting weights. I was floundering in my workouts and I was lacking motivation.

Because of my job, I only have about an hour a day to work-out and I wasn’t maximizing my time at the gym. I needed a change in my routine.

Pure power is an intense workout incorporating stretching, cardiovascular endurance training and strength training all packed into one hour. We climb walls, crawl under barbwire, run stairs while wearing a weighted vest, run laps around the gym, do push-ups, and anything else the Drill Sergeants can think of to make us feel pain. I love it!!! Every workout is a challenge and the drill sergeants push you to failure on every exercise. To say I sweat my ass off is an understatement. My advise is, don’t get discouraged after the first week, everyone feels sore. It’s the one of the most challenging yet rewarding things I’ve ever done.

If you are willing to make the commitment, Pure power is the best workout in the city and I promise you will see results.


I quit! At least that’s the way I felt after the first day of class. I could barely run one lap around the track. Two pushups and I was done. Forget about any sit ups. What did I get myself into? This was going to be the longest six weeks of my life!

Well, the past year; yes year, has flown by. The fear of those first few weeks has turned into this passionate anticipation of the “next” class. Four times a week I dedicate myself to making this hour. It has become my routine, and at forty-eight years old I can say I have never been in overall better shape in my life.

The instructors have never let me quit. They have always had the ability to read my limits and push me just a little more. Their knowledge, experience, and desire to motivate us recruits still impresses me, and has been the determining factor of my success. The trepidation that I had walking in the front door of Pure Power Boot Camp is now replaced with the experience, comradery, and knowledge that I have accumulated from this past year.