
fit body boot camp camp

PPBC Mission

We are a no-nonsense, no frills, hard-core, real deal FIT BODY BOOT CAMP fitness facility.

Our mission is to get you to step outside your comfort zone and break any and all boundaries that keep you prisoner and give you that fit body you deserve.

We strive to drive you to overcome obstacles that you never thought possible at the best fit body boot camp you can find.

We encourage you to hone the skills of team work and accountability while embracing and celebrating your individuality.

We are one powerful community. We do not judge ourselves…we do not judge others.

There are no boundaries.

Saturated in sweat and addicted to the adrenaline, we as a platoon embody dedication, commitment and the yearning desire to find our pure power. This is the real boot camp, the original boot camp.

The journey begins now…